Dragino TrackerD Support

Sorry I’m fairly new to all this but I noticed that in Firmware release
(Release Meshtastic Firmware Beta · meshtastic/firmware · GitHub) that there was a mention of initial support for the TrackerD device (TrackerD -- LoRaWAN Tracker)

My question is how do I get the meshtastic firmware onto the TrackerD device? I don’t see a specific hardware firmware listed in the zip file. Will one of the Esp32 based devices work for the TrackerD or is there another way to work this?

Thanks in advance for any insight and I apologize for the newbie question.

Anyone able to assist?

You’ll have to build the firmware yourself, since it’s not an officially supported device. See the instructions here: Building Meshtastic Firmware | Meshtastic

Ok you got me on the right track until I actually went to build the firmware. After attempting to build it I got the following error:

src/Power.cpp:40:43: error: ‘ADC_CHANNEL’ was not declared in this scope
static const adc1_channel_t adc_channel = ADC_CHANNEL;
src/Power.cpp:40:43: note: suggested alternative: ‘ADC_CHANNEL_9’
static const adc1_channel_t adc_channel = ADC_CHANNEL;
*** [.pio\build\trackerd\src\Power.cpp.o] Error 1

checking in the Power.cpp.o file I see this line as the problem where the ADC_CHANNEL was not declared:

#ifndef BAT_MEASURE_ADC_UNIT // ADC1 is default

static const adc1_channel_t adc_channel = ADC_CHANNEL;

static const adc_unit_t unit = ADC_UNIT_1;

#else // ADC2

static const adc2_channel_t adc_channel = ADC_CHANNEL;

static const adc_unit_t unit = ADC_UNIT_2;

RTC_NOINIT_ATTR uint64_t RTC_reg_b;

anyone able to help with this??

Thanks in advance!

You’ll have to add a #define ADC_CHANNEL <enter_the_correct_channel_here> in the variant file for the Tracker D.

Or if you don’t want to deal with compilation issues, you could use the release where pull request for this device was merged.