Got an airborne greeting just now

I heard one of my nodes beep. Message? Here? What? Turns out it was someone in an airplane, presumably, greeting me from literally almost overhead. I missed them by a minute or so, so no 2-way contact. :cry:

I jumped over to ADS-B and it looks like they might have been on Jet Blue 679 flying up to Milwaukee.

Whoever it was, sorry I missed you!


Got this on 4/12, from rangetest@35k. I was just assembling my first nodes. Talk about unexpected/unprepared! Initially thought I was talking to a ground node, hence the one-sided conversation.

Google Photos

I see I’m going to need some work on my photo sharing skills…
If you don’t care to check the link, it was 121.568 miles out, according to G earth. T-Beam.

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Lol, that is awesome. I just got mine so am stumbling around trying to understand them, but contacts like that are pretty cool. Thanks for shairing.