Hello, will Meshtastic take part in the Google Summer of Code 2021 edition? I think it would be a great fit.
I was previously a mentor for a past summer of code project (and I’m an exgoogler). I think this is a great idea. If any energetic young person wants to propose to work ob this as a good summer of code I’ll happily attach my recommendation.
I think meshtastic has to apply to become partner before accepting proposals
Ooh good point. I’ll look into that!
@Lawrence01 okay! I started the application would you be willing to finish it (just one more page of data)? If so can you tell me what email address you’d like to use and I’ll invite you as one of the adminstrators.
What do they ask? I don’t think I know meshtastic and its organization enough to answer questions about it
heh - you might be overestimating my ability to answer those questions. But good point - I’ll finish the application in the next couple of days (after working through some github bugs and some mqtt/portduino progress)
I’m slowly getting caught up today, been swamped at work.
Saw you sent me an invite to be an administrator for the Summer of Code application. Totally cool with that.
The website says the application deadline is in ~6 days and is only partially completed.
Just an FYI to keep it on your radar.
I can’t see Meshtastic in the list of accepted organizations
alas - I never had time to finish the application . Possibly next year (or someone else will have time).