ESP32 - read messages from Mesh: protobuf compiling errors

My partner gets nervous when I go off-grid in the mountains so I’ve been working on a connecting my mesh to the mobile (cell) network at my base camp.

Over the past week, I’ve managed to connect a TTGO T-Call with the mesh and can now readily trigger an SMS to my emergency contacts with my last known location.

Ideally, I’d like to be able to send and receive SMS messages from the outside world based on messages sent through the mesh.

Have to admit that I’m absolutely clueless after sitting over the weekend trying to workout how to get messages out of the mesh over Wifi or BLE. I’ve stared at the API, protobuf’s for days now and with a trip looming, I’m running out of time.

Any clues / sample code to help me on my journey?

I’m using PlatformIO and C++ to programme ESP32’s.

Thanks in advance.


Trying to build the official meshtastic protobufs into my project but keep getting an error as platformio tries to compile:

google/protobuf/ No such file or directory

The compiler can’t get past the first admin.h include as it can’t find the file noted.

Can see that this file is called inside the .proto files but Ive already generated the libraries via protoc following the guide here: GitHub - mkinney/Meshtastic-cpp

Can see that the protobufs are included as .proto in the meshtastic firmware.

What am I doing wrong??!!