Does the mesh relay all channels

There is a point that I am not clear on and I haven’t found in my searching.

Say two people both have a number of mesh devices. All of those devices have the default channel with the default settings. However, say one person configured a second channel with a different psk.

Are the messages for the second channel still relayed through the mesh or do get dropped by devices that aren’t configured for that channel?

First, let’s ignore anything about ‘secondary channels’. They’re functionally irrelevant to the relaying functionality. This may not have been what you meant by “second channel”, but just leveling setting…

Let’s say there are two Meshtastic mesh networks, A and B. Each network A and B have different crypto keys.

If A and B are both on the same radio frequency and the exact same lora configuration (spreading factor, bandwidth, coding rate), then devices for both meshtastic networks will forward packets for each other regardless of the crypto keys because the forwarding mechanism doesn’t look at the encrypted payload.


Perfect. Thank you. I was hoping that was the case.

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