Do default nodes rebroadcast private channels?

I have set up a private channel on Primary and a secondary channel LongFast on the default RF channel in EU868 (there is only one). Following this recommendation.

I can see the default messages on LongFast, there are several nodes in the area, and I can traceroute some of these LongFast stations via one or two hops.

I messaged primary with one fixed node (so with a different encryption key than AQ==) and observed the received tick another node set up with the same two channels/keys that I went for a walk test with.

I had expected the nodes I can see on LongFast to relay this private primary, but it doesn’t seem to be the case. Do I need to use the default key on my primary channel (named differently) or is my understanding of meshing wrong and I would have to be on LongFast Primary with key AQ== to be relayed

Are channels the other nodes don’t know just not relayed at all? Looking at the default in the docs

ALL (Default) - This setting will rebroadcast ALL messages from its primary mesh as well as other meshes with the same modem settings, including when encryption settings differ.

I would have expected the private mesh/channel to be relayed

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Yes that is correct.

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As I understand it normal ‘client’ nodes are now somewhat selective in what they reboardcast.

If they see two nodes apprently in direct contact, they wont reboardcast (because in theory not needed) - even in ALL mode, they still do select.

… only Router and Repeater nodes will actully reboardcast all.

I dont know the exact mechanism of this process, they might for example remember the setting for a while. So as they seen your nodes in direct communication recently, they not doing any forwarding (even if the locations have change such that it would be needed!)

Mainly based on comment here:

(I havent updated the simulator to include this selective reboardcast, I assumed all messages where retransmitted by all nodes)

… so for a more realistic test, need the two test nodes (with the private) channel to not be in direct contact for a protracted period, then might get retransmission by local nodes.

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For each packet they receive, while waiting for their rebroadcast delay, they will listen if anyone else has already rebroadcasted it. If so, they will cancel their rebroadcast.


Ok, that makes sense. Thanks.

Can see how that could stall messages at ‘junctions’ in a split - need to add to simulator to test.

That would explain the behaviour I am seeing, which is that the private network is not being relayed. I had misread the system description as if the mesh relays packets without decoding so I expected the mesh to relay all packets if the RF parameters were right, but it seems there is some packet inspection.

So far I have only used two nodes, the feeling I am getting is I need to relay my own channels, initially I will try dropping an extra node or two configured with the private primary and perhaps the LongFast AQ== secondary. Which is fair enough, but good to know in advance!

I assume the confusion is that the initally meshtastic just used to rebroadcast everything - so called ‘flood routing’ - but later added the refinement to not reboardcast all (persuambly busy meshes get overwealmed)

… the docs havent caught up.

From what said above, it seems that ‘ROUTER’ devices would retransmit hyour private messages, just that CLIENT’s may not.

So if a router sees a packet from a node using the same radio settings, but a completely unknown channel (name, PSK), not having any of the default channels, will it still rebroadcast?

From what said above a ROUTER or REPEATER would (as long as it the ‘rebroadcast mode’ setting allows it!)

A more normal CLIENT (and presumably others client TRACKER), will only rebroadcast, if they havent heard some other node doing so.

Presumably on the basis that in a busy area, the ROUTER would take care of rebroadcasts, saving the others from bothering. (also saving battery for the mobile clients)
(althing in practice, I guess it could have been another client doing it)

… but in an area without router(s), normal clients can still build a ‘mesh’.

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