Connect GPS module to Lora32 V2.1

Same position…I have some small BN180 GPS units that I would like to attach to the LoRa32 V2.1_1.6 board (then attach to the dog).
Am I correct in understanding that all I need to attach are the IO4 (5V), IO4 (GND) and white tx wire from the gps to IO15? All on the left?
Also…do you think covering up the ESP32 chip and being so near the wifi antenna would be problematic? If I could place loose and case the whole thing up.

Update…no power through IO4/IO0 but through the marked 5V/GND on the right hand side. GPS tx on IO15…no screen so what pin is the CPU rx?

Has there been any updates or changes in the requirements for adding a GPS module onto the Lora32 V2.1?
I have read through the posts on this topic and from my understanding the GPS was at one time not enabled by default in the firmware and was later changed to be enabled by default, but I have had no luck getting it working.

Here is how I currently have everything wired but I am still getting “No GPS Module/No GPS”:
Lora32 Pins —> GPS Module Pins
5V —> VCC
RX Pin 15 —> TX
TX Pin 13 —> RX

Anything helps, thank you.

Never mind got it working with the following pinout. They just weren’t making good enough connections, soldered on headers for better connection points for testing.
Lora32 Pins —> GPS Module Pins
5V —> VCC
RX Pin 15 —> TX
TX Pin 13 —> RX


Hi guys,
I can confirm also this worked fine for me and here is some additional pictures:
I used the Beiitan BE-180 GPS. The resolution of this GPS is currently pretty bad with jumps that are quite unbeliveable. I am not sure what causes this, or if I should set the GPS up better.

Has anyone setup the triple click to enable and disable the GPS on the TTGO?