About the Alpha Testers category

This category is for foks who want to help by testing our (bleeding edge) alpha-test builds.

This old alpha test announcement is probably the best current summary on how to alpha test:

So there are now about 400 2000 regular users. So we should probably become a bit less reckless about pushing out new code so often? Is there anyone out there who would volunteer to be alpha testers? Ideally we’d have a few volunteers so the work any one person would need to do is minimal.

Here’s kinda what I’m thinking (though it would mostly be up to the volunteer testers):

  • We only release the android app and device code to the alpha test group initially
  • Then sometime in the fiveish days that follow any of the volunteer testers does a basic “sanity” test. i.e. they could send messages between two nodes and see positions on maps.
  • If that sanity test passes they post on this thread saying “I just tested 0.6.7 and it seems good to me”
  • Based on that info (i.e. someone other than me could run the code), we release the build to everyone else.

Sound reasonable? Anyone want to do this (no long term comittment required) ? :wink:


I have eight T-Beams that I can use for testing and am happy to help. Just let me know what I can do.

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@geeksville I’m in for testing too! Lots of spare time during Covid.

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Mostly just: download and run the latest builds and if you see problems file bugs or post here ;-). I just don’t want “new” users unknowingly using the latest alphas until we bless them.

Someday it would be great if we had a “signoff list” of tasks for people to test and bless, but we are not there yet.

Count me in. I’m also willing to test internet gateway.

I’d like to help do Alpha testing, how do I join?

Hi @geeksville

I am in Switzerland and would like to join the Alpha-Tester Team for the Android App as well. Please tell me how to proceed. Thanks in advance and cheers.