Updating the PCA10059 with Adafruit NRF52 Bootloader
In order to flash Meshtastic we must replace the stock open bootloader with Adafruit NRF52 Bootloader that support UF2.
The module comes without pin headers soldered, so you need either add the SWDIO, SWDCLK, GND and VDD Out pins or 3d print a holder that uses pogo-pins
SWDCLK and SWDIO Pins (these are connected to either J-Link or ST-LINK2)
Connect the J-Link or STLink (Debugger to Dongle)
3.3V - VDD Out
Here is a ST-LINK/V2 (mini) Connection
3D Clip flash with Pogo Pins
nRF82540 Dongle (User Guide)
Download a copy of OpenOCD-ESP32 and extract it
Get a copy of the latest PCA100059 bootloader here
Flash ,erase and program the bootloader
Open a terminal and run
Command-line for ST-LINK
sudo ./openocd -f ../share/openocd/scripts/interface/stlink.cfg -f ../share/openocd/scripts/target/nrf52.cfg -c init -c "reset init" -c halt -c "nrf5 mass_erase" -c "program pca10059_bootloader-0.6.3_s140_6.1.1.hex verify" -c reset -c exit
Command-line for J-Link
sudo ./openocd -f ../share/openocd/scripts/interface/jlink.cfg -f ../share/openocd/scripts/target/nrf52.cfg -c init -c "reset init" -c halt -c "nrf5 mass_erase" -c "program pca10059_bootloader-0.6.3_s140_6.1.1.hex verify" -c reset -c exit