Which firmware for "ESP32-PICO-D4 (revision 1)"

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ESP32-PICO-D4 (revision 1)

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Hmm. That is a standalone esp32 board without any Lora hardware. You could run the tlora firmware but you would need to solder on the Lora radio yourself. If you don’t want to deal with that probably easier to buy one of the standard boards.

I wrote similar, it obviously has lora but I didn’t have a photo handy. Write what I have to do to use it.

Napisałem podobne, oczywiście ma to lora ale nie miałem zdjecia pod reka. Napisz co mam zrobić by tego używać.

Modle: lora32 433mhz

i install tlora what next? how check this is or not correct firmware?