T-Deck & private channels

I recently received a T-Deck and have added it to my node setup.

The T-Deck is capable of receiving traffic from a private channel (ch-1), but is unable to send traffic back. I can only send traffic on the primary channel (ch-0) or direct to individual nodes.

Is this feature not yet implemented?

Correct sending only works on the primary channel at this point.

Pull requests are welcome!

I just got my T-Deck and found this out the hard way. I have several devices with the CardKB installed and you can use the tab button to tab though to the other channels. Since there is not tab button I think one would have to use the trackball (up/down) to navigate to the other channels. The one thing that is missing on both is of course viewing the other messages. I’m not familiar enough with the code yet, but those would be two features that would more the t-deck adoption forward. However, my last feature request was politely rejected due to the fact that the “Meshtastic firmware already does too much”. As said, given time, I’ll familiarize myself with the code more and see what I can do.

There is a work around from what I have seen (haven’t tested as I have yet to receive one) You can create a new LongFast public channel as a secondary channel with the default passkey of AQ== (double check that I am almost certain that is the current default pass key) and then change the primary settings to match your private channel settings.

Yes this will mean that the public channel is only accessible via the app and a Bluetooth connection but if your primary use case only involves the private channel this does make it a bit less of a headache.

Yes, all is true i’ve made that way and it’s working but the problem is you will only be able to send via private channel as i know there is no option to change channels yet. And i’ve made private as primary to avoid publishing gps data over the network :stuck_out_tongue:.

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Ok guys with new alpha 2.3.9 and 2.3.10 the tab button is working ane for example with Alt+C, T we should be able to change channel but it is strange because it’s only let us to choose nodes and i can’t or don’t know how change from private (primary) to LongFast (secondary) to send a message to LongFast.

Maybe some of you will figure it out…
Here is cheatsheet :wink:

please let me know if you have simmilar issue

The first tab function will change recipient, another tab function will let you change the channel.

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Yes! Thank You :slight_smile: !!

I would never have thought to do alt+c,t twice :rofl: