T-beam won't power on without usb

I have two T-beams that have just started something strange. they will not power on from the battery. They will only power up from the USB connected. I have made sure that each battery is fully charged and are in the correct way. I know about that, trust me. I was planning to factory reset them, but I thought I would ask if anyone else had the problem. What could make this happen and how can I fix it? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Is this the T-Beam S3 core? If so, might be this issue which was introduced recently and will be fixed in the next release.

Two questions. How can I verify that it is an S3 and How could that update gotten in there? I did not update them?

It looks like this: LILYGO® TTGO T-Beam Devices | Meshtastic

But if it didn’t happen before and not after an update, it’s probably not that.