T-beam no gps lock

Hey guys, got a problem with a t-beam 1.2 1262 868mhz with the NEO6M gps. When I flash with any current version of Meshtastic - alpha, beta, or bleeding edge - the GPS does not work. There does not seem to be any output from the GPS and there is no GPS lock no matter how long I wait or where I place it. I have successfully flashed it with the NMEA reset firmware that I was put on to by lilygo support, and after this I am able to see NMEA output and even get a GPS lock, see satellites etc even indoors. But as soon as I load any version of Meshtastic, the GPS no longer works, doesn’t get a GPS lock,etc. I have noticed in the serial monitor that after I flash the t-beam with Meshtastic, I get a line that says warn: GPS requires factory reset.

Am I missing a step? Has anyone run into a similar problem?

Did you check from the settings that it is on? Setting → position → device GPS → enable

Yes, done that.

Might also add that I’ve got a t-beam supreme that works great. So I was pretty surprised at how much of a headache this one has become.

Hi yosemitesam,
Can you tell me what settings you have for the GPS in the T-Beam?
Somethimes a GPS reset can do the magick!
Somethimes i need to reflash the device and put GPS update interval: 60

Tell me if it’s work!

Hi @yosemitesam ,

Can you connect to the serial console at https://flasher.meshtastic.org and record the debug logs, then send them here?

The problem wound up being the gps antenna itself. There was a faulty connection on the antenna side causing the connection to be intermittent. I replaced the antenna just out of curiosity and it instantly started working. I’m guessing that the NMEA out put is only visible on usb with certain firmwares loaded. I emailed lilygo about the antenna fault and they don’t seem too interested. Oh well

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