Support for BN-220 GPS Module?

I have two heltec v2.1 radios that I would like to install gps modules on. I have BN-220’s but it is still saying “No GPS module”.
Firmware is heltec-v2.1-1.2.59
5v to 5v
GPS tx to 34
GPS rx to 12

Is there something i missed?


I did figure this out after some more searching.
Solution was to connect the gps pins to the correct gpio pins.
On the Heltec v2.1 board it was:

VCC to 3v (GPS says 5v, but it works at 3v and all these pins are close by.)*
GPS tx to 36
GPS rx to 37

The previous pin arrangement I found in configuration.h, but as I am a just getting started with the source couldn’t find the correct GPS pins for the heltec and bn-220 in code. Since I answered my own question, can someone point this newbie in a direction of where this code resides or what i missed? (For learning purposes)


  • Another note about the 3v pin instead of 5v: It was also necessary to turn on the gps when running on battery power