Currently I am trying to use the meshnet to send gps latitude and longitude from one lora module to another. The goal is to create a text packet, much like you can do with the android app, but instead send binary lat and lon every X seconds so i can see the location of all my mesh devices on the phone.
The problem is that i cannot find a way to send a text message from within the mesh, I am not very well versed with python or kotlin (the serial link and the android app) and run into a dead end when trying to see what I should put into a packet before it can properly be send around the mesh . The c++ (meshtastic device) part looks like it only takes a message and forwards it.
For example in the python code for the serial link with the mesh device in init.py, it seems to be using the protobuf to create a packet, however I cannot find the mesh_pb.MeshPacket() as a real method to fill the entire packet.
def sendData(self, byteData, destinationId=BROADCAST_ADDR, dataType=mesh_pb2.Data.OPAQUE, wantAck=False, wantResponse=False): """Send a data packet to some other node""" meshPacket = mesh_pb2.MeshPacket() meshPacket.decoded.data.payload = byteData meshPacket.decoded.data.typ = dataType meshPacket.decoded.want_response = wantResponse self.sendPacket(meshPacket, destinationId, wantAck=wantAck)
So is it possible to create a text/byte message from within the mesh and where should i start looking?