Note: after the two hours of power measurement, I have problems to get the t-beam and the WisBlock to communicate with each other. It’s possible to connect the devices to Android phones, but messages do not arrive at the other phone somehow. I restarted both devices and coupled the devices again, but with no success so far. Any Idea?
Will give an update soon
Done more tests, but not sure, if my WisBlocks 5005 with RAK4631 have all settings correct.
I uploaded newest firmware, renamed devices, selected country EU865 and scanned the channel (long Range / Fast).
When connected with the computer, I get the following information:
hauptmann@MacBook-Pro-M1 ~ % meshtastic --info
Connected to radio
Owner: Router_ba46 (Rtr)
My info: { “myNodeNum”: 131349231, “numBands”: 10, “firmwareVersion”: “1.2.59.d81c1c0”, “bitrate”: 24.592716, “messageTimeoutMsec”: 300000, “minAppVersion”: 20200, “maxChannels”: 8, “channelUtilization”: 24.449999, “airUtilTx”: 0.36105555 }
Nodes in mesh: {‘num’: 131349231, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!07d43aef’, ‘longName’: ‘Router_ba46’, ‘shortName’: ‘Rtr’, ‘macaddr’: ‘e7:dd:07:d4:3a:ef’, ‘hwModel’: ‘RAK4631’}, ‘position’: {‘batteryLevel’: 99}, ‘lastHeard’: 1649145326, ‘snr’: 12.0} {‘num’: 4145948204, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!f71e262c’, ‘longName’: ‘Christian_262c’, ‘shortName’: ‘Chr’, ‘macaddr’: ‘30:c6:f7:1e:26:2c’, ‘hwModel’: ‘TBEAM’}, ‘position’: {‘time’: 1649145208}, ‘lastHeard’: 1649145307, ‘snr’: 9.75} {‘num’: 4145953192, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!f71e39a8’, ‘longName’: ‘Christian_39a8’, ‘shortName’: ‘Chr’, ‘macaddr’: ‘30:c6:f7:1e:39:a8’, ‘hwModel’: ‘TBEAM’}, ‘position’: {}, ‘lastHeard’: 1649145275, ‘snr’: 11.25}
Preferences: { “positionBroadcastSecs”: 240, “sendOwnerInterval”: 15, “phoneTimeoutSecs”: 900, “lsSecs”: 300, “region”: “EU865”, “locationShare”: “LocEnabled”, “gpsUpdateInterval”: 240, “positionFlags”: 35, “isAlwaysPowered”: true }
Is this all correct?
Actually, after approx. 10 minutes, the WisBlock stops receiving messages and messages sent by the WisBlock do not arrive at the T-Beams any more. Hope, this can be fixed by changing some of the settings above.
Meshtastic uses 40mhz unless wifi is enabled, then we use 160mhz.
Well, the WisBlock with RAK4630 has no WIFI on board, only BL. My problem is, that the device works fine for some minutes and thereafter seems to go to deep sleep, and I haven’t found the settings that would prevent this, or how I can wake the device up.
I will start a new topic for the WisBlock, since it doesn’t really fit into this topic. Thanks for your advice.