Real world single hop distance for Euro town residential area

What is ball park single hop range at LongFast 868 MHz, 90% raw success receiption on first transmission packet (no retry), base station at first floor window in door side with those ‘six inches/150mm’ antenna, rover at street level with small ‘1.5 inches/35mm’ helical (spring coil) antenna, residential area for Euro town (a bit higher building density and narrower street than US) and mildly rainy, road and building wall are mildly wet (it rains mildly for half of the days of year). Many thanks

if you have several concrete buildings blocking the way, you will have less than 1 km. maybe 200m only !
if there is just 1 building blocking the way, it can be 1km.
if you have line of sight, you can expect 3-4km.

you need to get a router device on the roof :slight_smile:

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This is roughly similar to what I’ve been experimenting with. A base station 6inc dipole, and a mobile device with the small antennae on a heltec v3 device.

I see about 200-300m range really. Depending on buildings in the way. Some directions have fewer buildings (coincident that streets along line of signals)

longest I’ve seen line-of-sight is 10km (had the base node at the edge of town, and mobile on on a small hill about above the surrounding country).

Seen longer distances with a different mobile aerials, the above is just with the small helical spring. I want to try mounting the base station higher (above buildings)

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