RAK815 can Connect with ThingsBoard Platform using Lora Gateway?

Hello Im new with this board but I have a few questions
1.RAK815 node could be compatible with a dragino lora gateway.?
2.RAK815 can manage LORA and track beacons at the same time ?
3.Its possible to program the modules with Arduino IDE?
Thanks to all for yours answers :kissing:

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1&2: no. This project speaks a Lora mesh protocol - it is not meant to speak through TTN gateways. In some ways this project grew out of me experimenting with TTN and seeing how limited their network is (and how it is mostly a unidirectional tree). That said, in 1.1 a definite feature is to allow any of our nodes to auto gateway to the internet.

3: no. You need to use platformio (with optional IDE) which (try their tutorial) I think you will find is much more polished and ‘industrial strength’.

I do not plan to use the board with TTN, rather I wanted to connect it to a Lora gateway to send the information directly to my local server, can it be done?

And question number 2 was not answered. Can I send the gps data and the beacon reading simultaneously? and if not maybe one after the other

Yes gps and texting both work at the same time.

No, there is no lorawan code in the device. You could add it, but our gateway routing feature will be the direction we’re probably going.

Sorry, I do not understand you well, can you explain me in another way please
What I want is for the RAK815 to send the data through lora to a lora gateway that I have and then send it to my local server?
Which router lora do you recommend for this?

In simple terms, currently, there is no support for forwarding data to a local server. You could implement a solution your self by using the python api. (There are also plans to implement mqtt but it hasn’t been done so far.)

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Thanks to much for your answer you meet other device that implement beacon,lora,gps in the same shield and can send data to a lora gateway using mqtt??

Typical LoRa gateways use LoRaWAN networking protocol. Meshtastic does not use the LoRaWAN protocol, and therefore isn’t compatible with typical LoRaWAN gateways.

You do basically have a couple of options, as you want to route messages from the Meshtastic mesh:

  • Meshtastic-python: attach one Meshtastic node to your computer, and build your own gateway capable software to link the nets with your python code
  • wait for @geeksville, and other developers, to implement the MQTT features

Edit: @aHVzY2g did answer fast! :slightly_smiling_face: