RAK18001 Buzzer

I have a larger test group running for a Meshtastic application, of which around 1/3 are Appel users.
Unfortunately, as is well known, the iOS app does not allow you to choose your own notification tones (according to various statements from app developers, this would not be a problem, as this does not prevent Apple itself, but the app itself).
That’s why I need a way to make incoming notifications audible directly through the node. Is the RAK Module 18001 Buzzer usable?
Can you hear it? Does anyone have a comparison video for me or can share their experiences with the RAK18001?
The part is hardly available in Switzerland, I would have to buy larger quantities to get it at all. That’s why my question is whether it even works “well”.
Many thanks for your help

I have the buzzers also, I have not spent a lot of time on it, but have not got mine working yet.

Hopefully your answer will the answer I need as well.