Hey folks. I have a T-beam set up as a Wifi client on my network. I am able to hit the the following endpoints using Postman:
- POST /restart - restarts the device
- POST /json/blink - blinks the LED
- GET /json/scanNetworks - returns a JSON document with a list of networks
- GET /json/report - returns a JSON report of activity
- OPTIONS /api/v1/toradio - returns 204 with Content-Type and X-Protobuf-Schema headers
However GET /api/v1/fromradio just returns a 200 OK with no body. I set the Content-Type to application/x-protobuf. I kind of expected some kind of binary response - but got nothing. I even sent some messages over the mesh, which showed up on the OLED display of the device I am targeting - but still nothing returns from fromRadio.
I set up Protoman, git cloned the protobuf files and set them up in Protoman (clicking “Build and Save” resulted in “Build Success”). I tried hitting fromRadio with an expected message type of .FromRadio, but when I click “Send” it just sits and spins the “Sending request…” progress indicator.
If someone can point me in the right direction, I’d really appreciate it.