Open (public) channel 2024?

I see some older posts where suggestions are made to establish public channels, but it seems there was little progress since then.
If one considers Meshtastic for emergency communications, there is not much gain from only meshing with your own devices……

I therefore again raise the idea to establish an open channel, where we can see and test and “talk” to fellow Meshtastic operators.
Have I missed the obvious, then please tell me how to get on with this.

I am located in Copenhagen….not much activity it seems?

Kind regards

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I would say the majority of people consider the default settings as the “public” channel.

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Thanks Crichton!

Would we be in touch if distance permitted with this?

Ohh, does my upload work?
If not, so very sorry….


Assuming that’s the default for your region, and there are others also using the default settings and you’re in range – then yes you would be able to communicate.

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Thanks again Crichton.

To be specific: What other parameters and values than region would apply as standard settings, please.

As I read the instructions for set up, it merely speaks of “setting to your preferences” apart from region/frequency….

Kind regards

If your goal is to communicate with others using the “public” or default channels then nothing else. You would just set your region and any other devices also running defaults would be able to communicate with yours. If you are wanting to have a private primary channel but still be able communicate with those on default you can also setup a secondary channel using the default settings. Here’s info on that: Configuration Tips | Meshtastic

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