MQTT isn't working for Messages

Hi, I have a problem with MQTT and one of my Nodes.
Currently I have 3 Nodes. One Node is connected via Wifi and MQTT is enabled and set up.

But something is wrong. On the MQTT Server I see for example the Telemetry Data. I also saw the Key Exchange in the PKI Topic between Nodes. But I see no messages, neither messages to Nodes or into the Primary Channel.

As far as I understand, all Messages should be redirected to the MQTT Server. I watch the Topic with an MQTT Client, but there is no Data for Messages on the MQTT Server. Can someone help me? Here is the config of MQTT and the public channel:

  "lora": {
    "usePreset": true,
    "region": "EU_868",
    "hopLimit": 3,
    "txEnabled": true,
    "txPower": 27,
    "sx126xRxBoostedGain": true,
    "modemPreset": "LONG_FAST",
    "bandwidth": 0,
    "spreadFactor": 0,
    "codingRate": 0,
    "frequencyOffset": 0.0,
    "channelNum": 0,
    "overrideDutyCycle": false,
    "overrideFrequency": 0.0,
    "paFanDisabled": false,
    "ignoreIncoming": [],
    "ignoreMqtt": false,
    "configOkToMqtt": false

  "mqtt": {
    "enabled": true,
    "address": "",
    "username": "meshdev",
    "password": "large4cats",
    "encryptionEnabled": true,
    "root": "msh/EU_868/BG",
    "mapReportingEnabled": true,
    "mapReportSettings": {
      "positionPrecision": 14,
      "publishIntervalSecs": 0
    "jsonEnabled": false,
    "tlsEnabled": false,
    "proxyToClientEnabled": false

  Index 0: PRIMARY psk=default { "psk": "AQ==", "uplinkEnabled": true, "downlinkEnabled": true, "moduleSettings": { "positionPrecision": 0, "isClientMuted": false }, "channelNum": 0, "name": "", "id": 0 }

Ok, found the Problem, this configOkToMqtt was important.

 meshtastic.exe --host --set lora.configOkToMqtt true

I set it to true and now everything works fine.