Meshtastic-Python - GPS altitude and Battery not shown

⌡[1168] -=> meshtastic --nodes
Connected to radio
│ N │ User │ AKA │ ID │ Latitude │ Longitude │ Altitude │ Battery │ SNR │ LastHeard │ Since │
│ 1 │ Just For The Halibut │ JFT │ !f246a0f8 │ N/A │ N/A │ N/A │ N/A │ N/A │ 2021-12-09 04:34:58 │ just now │
│ 2 │ Thing 1 │ T1 │ !f244b960 │ 33.XXXX° │ -96.XXXX° │ N/A │ N/A │ 9.75 dB │ 2021-12-09 04:27:01 │ 8 minutes ago │

Meshtastic-python is version 1.2.44 on Linux
“Thing 1” is a TBeam with firmware 1.2.48.
“Just for the Halibut” is a LORA32 with 1.2.48.

Are the altitude and battery level not getting sent out by the TBeam?