How to receive telemetry data?

I have a working setup of 3 pcs of Heltec V3 (V3.1) boards. They communicate nicely to each other, all fine. Two of them have a GPS attached and also that works nicely. Now I have attached an BME180 air pressure and temperature sensor to one of the boards. I can see in the display that the sensor is working and is delivering sensible values. I have switched on telemetry messages and they are transmitted at the specified time interval.

Here is the problem: I cannot figure out how to receive the telemetry data. I can see the incoming telemetry messages in the debug view on the app. I can also see the telemetry messages in the exported rangetest.csv. But where is the actual sensor data? I neither see this values in the app nor in the .csv file.

Any advice would be highly appreciated!

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Thats is strange. I just set up a bmp280 and the temp, atmosphere pressure, and humidity is being displayed in the node info just like the battery remaining and signal strenght. Im also running the Heltec v3. Im using the android app. I also see the data when connected to other nodes, sometimes it takes a bit to show up in that case. I left all my refresh timings to default and just turned on “Environment Metrics Enabled” also I dont have a gps unit attached

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Ok, thanks so much for letting me know that it makes sense to try around further with this setup. At least I know not that I am not doing something fundamentally wrong. I appreciate your help!

Same Here on RAK and Android.
Absolutely incosistent.
I can See the Data direclty connected to the node but receiving IT on another Nodes Sometimes yes and Sometimes No.

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