Trying to build the firmware, installed PlatformIO last year - how do I know I’m up-to-date? But, I get "region ‘FLASH’ overflowed by 138952 bytes.
My board choice is: T-Beam (esp32), PSRAM: enabled, Flash freq: 80MHz, Upload spd 921600, Core Debug Level: None.
Is there anything else I need to do to shoehorn a custom build into a T-Beam?
You should be able to run pio --version
When in the Meshtastic firmware directory, running pio run --environment tbeam
should do it, that uses the board settings from here.
It’s recommended to use the extension without VSCode as explained here, then you can just click ‘Build’ under the correct board.
BTW, if this is for fixing your issue with the SerialModule, you can also try the firmware in the artifacts of this PR.
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Thank you so much for all your help @GUVWAF. I didn’t realize that there are builds in the artifacts - download and flashed my device this morning, and I now have a virtual serial cable from a remote device outputting directly to the serial port on the USB port. Success!