How do I debug my MQTT connection?

Disclaimer: I’m pretty new to running Meshtastic

I’m running Meshtastic on my TTGO T-Beam 1.1, which is plugged into my computer.

I think I configured MQTT appropriately:

meshtastic --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --get mqtt
Connected to radio
enabled: true
address: ""

I set up an MQTT server with a static IP address. I started with the server configured with a username and password, then swapped to allow anonymous connections because it’s not going well.

On my computer I can do:

mosquitto_pub -h -t "topic" -m "message"

and see

mosquitto_sub -v -h -t '#'
topic message

Nothing seems to be showing up from Meshtastic though? I’m not really sure what to look for in meshtastic --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --debug, nothing looks like it’s obviously blowing up. Wi-Fi is also enabled and appears to be working (if I disconnect from the computer and power it externally, I can access meshtastic.local and connect to the device over Wi-Fi, so I assume internet access is also working).

Any thoughts?

Did you enable uplink and downlink for the channels you want to go over MQTT?

One or more channels must also be enabled as uplink and/or downlink for packets to be transmitted from and/or to your mesh (See channels)

I sure didn’t. I’ll give that a shot.

Edit:: Yep - it works immediately.

The docs say:

Without these settings enabled, the node will still connect to the MQTT server but only send status messages.

I didn’t see any status messages showing up on the MQTT server. I think I’ve been looking at it too long, but what does this line mean? What’s this referring to?