Hardware region issue

Android app v: 1.3.38.apk
device: lora32 868/915 neo-6m

I connected to the node via bluetooth. the meshtastic app on android required firmware update. pushed the updated. (took about 10 mins) Now, digital display on LoRa device flashes set the region using meshtastic android, ios, flasher or cli client.

I went into app and am in the settings block (far right) and it shows the device name, and there is a region dropdown, i have selected US, but it is not updating the loRa device and clearing out this error.

Thoughts, solutions?


Disregard. If you send a message it will clear out region code on device. (for anyone else dealing with this)

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The device needs to be rebooted after Lora settings, this will be automatic in 1.3.39

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