Geeksville's current task list (now working on NRF52 fixes)

Update: thanks for the good reports, I’ve reproduced the hang ya’ll described in the t-echo (probably same on rak4630). I should be able to debug and have a fix in a couple of days…


My T-beams are also displaying odd sleep behaviors. Like sleeping 10 seconds after booting, and not waking on sending a message.

.43, Tbeam 1.0 with 1276/M8N


Hmm. Could you run “meshtastic --info” (to capture all device settings) and put that into a bug at meshtastic-device github? And link the bug here? That will make me not forget to investigate.

… and on Tuesday I (suprisingly) got selected for jury duty (which I’m happy to do but it mean’t no programming so far this week). I should make some good progress on the weekend, but then back in jury duty nextweek (ugh - though I think there is high odds I’ll get kicked out during voir dire)

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alas my crummy back has been extra crummy the last few weeks - sorry about that. I’ll be back at this ASAP. In the meantime @claesg and others have made some great fixes. I haven’t had a chance to do a full release build but if anyone wants an early version click on the “built” artifact here to download it:

In the next couple of days I should be able to hopefully have time to fix the last serious nrf52 bug. I’ll do a new release build (and android build) once this is fixed:

oops - I just found the fix for #837. I’ll push out a release build tonight!

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A post was merged into an existing topic: New alpha 1.2.25 to test the MQTT gateway feature

ok - I’ve been making slow progress working through these items. My remaining sequence of tasks is in this note (if there are any serious bugs I’ve missed please link to them here and I’ll put them in the sequence):

@geeksville not sure these T-Echo issues have been dealt with. maybe also adding backlight LED on eink display?

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@geeksville do the 4600 board just not have enough firepower to run Meshtastic? I think myself and @luandro were the main ones interested in this because we had ordered some of these a while back.

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yes - I bought one to try. alas, the ram on that CPU is just too small. It would be kinda possible to make it work but it would take a lot of time and even then the amount of ram available for buffering would be so low that it would have to drop many packets.

Bummer. Thanks for exploring the possibility of it though!
It’d be interesting to have some paired down alternative firmware for something like that board that was intended only to act as a repeater / router node. I think somebody wrote one a while back for the Heltec cubecell boards, but I believe that was abandoned before the 1.2.x versions of meshtastic. It was very limited to begin with though.