I haven’t used meshtastic for a while. My T-echo was running 1.3.42 when I last updated it. I was trying to update to the latest beta 2.1.19 by dragging the image to my T-echo today. After copying the image the T-echo did not reboot at all. All it does is keeping a copy of the image on the drive.
I then tried the versions from 2.0.0 onwards. The latest beta that works is 2.1.17. I’m having this problem on all my T-echos.
@b8b8 Just had this issue, not working past 2.1.18. There was a discussion about it in discord, where some had no issue updating to 2.1.18+ unlike him. We learned there are different versions of the bootloader for this device. His t-echo’s bootloader was version 0.5.0 whereas another that was working was version 0.6.1. There were platform updates for the nRF52 MCU in 2.1.18 and we assumed this was likely the cause. He was able to update his bootloader via the Arduino IDE using the instructions from here https://github.com/Xinyuan-LilyGO/T-Echo/tree/main/bootloader and the version 0.6.1 hex file here https://github.com/Xinyuan-LilyGO/T-Echo/blob/main/bootloader/lilygo_techo_bootloader-0.6.1_s140_6.1.1.hex and sure enough this resolved his issue.