Do default nodes rebroadcast private channels?

As I understand it normal ‘client’ nodes are now somewhat selective in what they reboardcast.

If they see two nodes apprently in direct contact, they wont reboardcast (because in theory not needed) - even in ALL mode, they still do select.

… only Router and Repeater nodes will actully reboardcast all.

I dont know the exact mechanism of this process, they might for example remember the setting for a while. So as they seen your nodes in direct communication recently, they not doing any forwarding (even if the locations have change such that it would be needed!)

Mainly based on comment here:

(I havent updated the simulator to include this selective reboardcast, I assumed all messages where retransmitted by all nodes)

… so for a more realistic test, need the two test nodes (with the private) channel to not be in direct contact for a protracted period, then might get retransmission by local nodes.

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