Device Metrics over MQTT?

Are Device Metrics sent over MQTT?

I can send messages just fine but the other client over MQTT shows as “UNK” and doesn’t appear on the map either, it seems none of the details are being sent but wanted to confirm in case I’m overlooking something.

They are part of MQTT, if you have the json feature enabled there are some limitations. Try without JSON output enabled.

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Thanks, I actually don’t have JSON output enabled currently. I’ll try enabling and disabling it to see if that flips anything around.

Are you using the public mqtt server or your own?

I’m using the public MQTT server.

Seems with or without JSON output it’s the same thing, sometimes it will show in the peer list of the remote device as “Meshtastic_” with a model of UNSET, but it doesn’t appear on the map and still shows as UNK in chats.

If I go to the JSON data under nodes in the web gui it shows the node but it only has a last heard value, no user section, devicemetrics are empty.

I’m starting to think that data just isn’t sent over MQTT, at least not in my scenario.