Dedicated node as repeater only

Hi Im new here sorr y this question is answered, is there a way to make a dedicated node a mesh repeater only?

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Thank you so much, i have another question, what if i buy some nodes without, ble, wifi, and monitor, and if i flash meshtastic on amd let. Without conme ting it to any phone, or without setting i t up, will it.still serve as repeater? Or will it let daya pass throught? Wich serve as relay? Thanks so much

The only nodes we support officially are the board types listed in (i.e. tbeams, heltecs, a couple of NRF52 boards etc). These boards have various different Wifi/BLE options included with the CPU (all have BLE, some don’t support wifi). Any of them can serve as repeater nodes (and ideally you’ll want our ‘repeater node’ feature which isn’t added yet - to make sure they don’t go to sleep and need minimum power).

Support can be added for other board types, but that is an advanced thing you’d need to do on your own.