Broken pushbutton on T-Beam

My T-Beam slide off my dash the other night and the Power Button got smashed.
Does anyone know a manufacturer and part number for this little critter?
Mouser’s on the other side of Dallas from me but it’s been a bit of problem
trying to search for such a switch but just knowing the manufacturer would be
a big help. Thanks!

Had several break after prolonged use.
I ordered these:
2x4x3.5 mm Micro switch
And they are an exact replacement.
Need a fine tip to solder though.

Thanks! I’ll give them a try after they take the proverbial
“slow boat” from .cn. :slight_smile: Fine tip soldering iron
I have – my old eyes aren’t so fine but we’ll see how a magnifying
glass does for me.

It only took a month to get a small pack of 10 of those switches
and shipping was about 14x the price of the switches :slight_smile: but…
I just desoldered the old and soldered a new one onto my T-Beam
SUCCESSFULLY. On my first try even!

Thank you very much!