Advise on naming nodes

Since meshtastic is expanding quite fast, maybe its a good idea to set some easy and non mandatory naming rules for nodes…
A bit like ham radio
Could start with a country code letter
Whats your view ??

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Since nodes are mostly identified by their 4 character short name, expecting users to prefix the name with a country code might be unrealistic. Most users seem to have their own node naming scheme. Making a country code part of the long name would be fine, but you don’t see long names on most maps.

I usually put a geographic name in for where it is. Like a “X Peak” Ridge, town name, etc.

No. If I wanted to do that I’d use my amateur radio callsign.

Considering the app will show the position of each user on the map, if they wish to show a location. I think as an idea it’s utterly redundant.

In Eindhoven, Netherlands i use EHV-BRC-33m (FW
(Eindhoven - Base - Router_CLient - 33meter high - FirmWare)

Mobile it’s EHV-MC (FW 2.2.24)
(Eindhoven - Mobile - Client - FirmWare)

Mobile should not be Router.
Look at Index of /download/MeshTastic/

Thanks to everyone… so i am using now my ham id.