Is this a true 477KM Contact ?
Does It not show how many Hops it is, as I am getting a node 344.0KM from my QTH, that is 5 hops away? So not sure if mine is classed as “true”, May be worth checking the logs you have to see if it does hop, as some nodes won’t reveal if they are RX’ing you using hops.
Well according to
A hill of 1500 would give you about 82 nautical miles to the horizon.
Which is about 151km. So that’s just about on the edge of what might be possible. The furthest point on your area might just be out of range.
But suspect will need very good antennas to really get Lora messages that far. You would be working at the extreme range of what possible.
The 474KM contact in the thread, probably wasnt a true single hop contact. But via a series of hops. 7D90 possible firmware was too old to get a proper ‘Hops away’ count.
Or a ‘fluke’ signal, maybe a there was a plane used for hop.
Or maybe the “position” on the remote node was actually a mistake.
thanks for your answer
my plane i use grounplan anten 1/2 lamda are you think is ok for me ?
Well antenna design is complex. That might be a good one, or might not. A lot will depend if it truly ‘tuned’ to the right frequency, but there are a lot of other variables.
For the hill location seems like a directional antenna would be beneficial, if can find one with wide enough beam width.
If your ‘moving node’ is a plane, rather than a boat, might get bit more range than on the surface of the water.
Exactly what type of antenna is that ?
sorry antena like this i call groundplan antena 1/2 lamda ( 1/2 frekuensi )
Ah so a 1\4 wave vertical with 1\4 wave radials as a ground plane ?
Although the 19.5" rods would be for a frequency of circa 151Mhz
Its a very good reference antenna, easy for anyone to build and the performance is entirely predictable. If you put the radials on solder tags you can hold them in place on the SO-239 with small nuts and bolts and the antenna can then collapsed for easy transport.
yes grounplan
i use 433Mhz i will calculate for this frequency
one cliend mode i will install in here
do yo think clined mode or router mode best seting to have do ?
Looks an interesting project!
This all sounds like something you going to have to experiment. Any theoretical discussions, will be just that, in real world things might be different.
dont think CLIENT vs ROUTER will have any effect on range of individual hops.
… its only if nodes are working are ‘relays’ to forward messages for even longer distance communincation.
Eg if your ‘hill’ location is intended to be a relay to a office at the bottom of the hill, or maybe work as a relay between planes, then ROUTER might be better. But test both modes.
thank my be weaked i will intall as soon as posible need 3 upto 4 hour walk to get location