Solar Panel Test From Cheap Security lights
The objective was simple, I didn’t do full load tests on any of these. I just wanted to know if these solar panels would power and run a basic Meshtastic device. The idea being if they couldn’t run the device without a battery, they obviously wouldn’t be enough juice to charge a battery and run the device. I’ll only be able to go into full detail on the one panel I made. Specs are not advertised on the others. All 3 worked! With 2 acceptations the 2 store bought ones had a hard time getting the Device booted, with a using mine to get the device booted I was able to unhook mine and it would run the device. Which is perfectly acceptable because in real use case there is a battery. With the Heltec the Initial jump start was roughly 200-250mA than roughly 35-60mA the 2 store bought ones would get up to about 180-190mA, lets say on average the Heltec runs a 80mA to make up for the spikes. 100mA is going to the battery. 8 hours of sun would be 10 hours of run time. A 2000mAh will last about 25 hours.
Now I will go into detail on the one I built let me start by saying this is plexi encased. And made just for testing. Plexiglass would not hold up in real world for very long.
Its made up of 10X 2V 130mA wired in series and parallel each panel is paired up in series giving me 5x 4v 130mA those 5 wired in parallel make 1x 4v 650 mA panel. I will test the legitimacy of this claim when I require anywhere near that.
Wiring these up I bypasses the motion sensor. But remember you still need to use the Circuit or solder a Diode between the battery and solar panel. I wont get into that just use the board
IMO this is the best out of the 2. Comes with a 1800mAh 18650
This one was not brought up because I don’t know the numbers but its been up on a 45’ Mast with a Tlora v1 for over a week still ticking…
The TLora 2.1-1.6 with GPS boots up around 240mA and runs around 100-125mA this is ISH not testing for any amount of time just power on and running for a minute or so.