T-Echo instability seems resolved with Firmware 2.3.10

I have a pair of T-Echos which were having intermittent issues like not seeing other nodes, or losing TX ability at random times, although guaranteed to occur sooner or later. It used to take a good number of reboots until it resolved. Seems like reboots/nodeDB could also be a trigger too.

I’ve been using 2.3.10 for about a fortnight now, since it was in alpha. Looks like the Enhanced t-echo file system integrity check #3818 has did the trick!

I just flashed both to 2.3.11 and even after several reboots everything is still looking stable. Such a relief! So from what I can gather, one or both of my units had corrupted file systems, and for quite some time! There was a duration where the results of a traceroute would consistently appear on the other (destination) node instead of the originating one. I imagine this was a symptom too.

Posting to thank lewisxhe and everyone else involved in this fix, plus hopefully help anyone else experiencing same.

This problem has existed since t-echo was born. I have not been able to effectively fix it because this problem is rare after all. I also found a few devices with this problem after the production test of LilyGo recently. Currently, no crash caused by FS initialization has been found in the production test stage. Now your reply has confirmed me. Thank you for your report.

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FYI, The traceroute results appearing on the other side has returned shortly after my post. Initially when initiated from either side, but currently just one.

However I am still able to consistently DM both, inc delivery reports. This is the longest my T-Echo’s have remained online without issue.

Whatever happens with these bleeding devices tomorrow, I’m still very grateful for your fix! Cheers! :beers: