RSSI SNR typical values

Hi, I have two Heltec V3 modules with stock antennas, and I suspect one transceiver is damaged.
Can someone with two of such radios (or similar cheap devices) tell me what are the typical values for the two being in the vicinity (let’s say 10 m away to each other)?

I do not have 2 Heltec’s, but I have noticed that my 2 T-Beams don’t do so well when they’re that close. The seem to do better a bit further apart.

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can you tell me the values for some given distance (up to you), for comparison? they seem similar enough hardware

I have a Heltec Lora v3, and a Heltec Tracker v1.1 - both with antenna, they came with*.

About 2m apart in a room, the v3 receiving the tracker get RSSI: -56 SNR: 6.0
The tracker recevinng the v3, gets about RSSI: -45 SNR: 6.0.

… and 10M through brick wall (one out in garden!): v3 receiving RSSI -60 SNR 5.8
tracker receiving RSSI-62, SNR 5.3

Those are very approximate. Average of 3 packets. But can vary a +/- 3-4 RSSI, and +/-1->2 SNR even just in short tests.

Just checked, both on are default TX power 14. EU_868. With Boosted Gain enabled, LongFast.

  • the v3 actually came with one of these ones…
    many images I see come with a different version.

The tracker came with the more typical ‘stubby’ antenna (a coiled spring) enclosed in hard plastic with SMA.

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The best I can offer right now is Heltec V3 with a cheap, junky Amazon mag mount in the parking lot 123m away from my T-Beam v1.1 with the stubby in my office. This is through 3 sheets of glass (2 walls and outer window) with all of the associated interference from steel studs, ductwork, etc.

RSS: -111 SNR: 8.3 Heltec → T-Beam

I can check the opposite direction at lunch, maybe.

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T-Beam → Heltec: RSS: -104 SNR: 4.3

This is with LongFast on the 915Mhz band using slot 38.

Again T-Beam inside stubby, Heltec outside magmount.

These are some values for LongFast

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