Remote solar node based on the Wisblock Unify outdoor enclosure

I have deployed a new remote solar node that uses the Wisblock Unify outdoor enclosure:

image0 (70)

I describe the design in detail in the following posts:

Super design. Does it re-start when battery goes flat?

What is the component shown below?
Screenshot from 2024-08-14 09-56-26

That is the XB8089D0 battery-protection device.

If you allow the supply voltage to the nRF52840 to drop below 1.7V, it will lock up. Even if you then raise the supply voltage above 1.7V, it will not recover. You will have to physically reset the device.

By adding this protection device, you should never need to open the box to reset the processor. Even if the battery is completely drained.

I consider this in more detail here: