Meshtastic-DIY project

For this Diy-project, I am using a regular UART-port. The JTAG-port is not used.

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In case you haven’t seen it already, take a look at “project hydra” which is an offspring from your awesome efforts to push DIY hardware: GitHub - PlumRugOfDoom/project-hydra-meshtastic-pcb. I’ve just recently assembled the first V1 prototype and everything seems to be working.

J-Tag debugging for software development will be adressed in another upcoming DIY build, a “shield” pcb for the olimex esp32 devboard: ESP32-DevKit-LiPo - Open Source Hardware Board


I’m reviewing the PR and will likely approve it tonight. Could I ask that a bug be created to track that the LLCC68 chip doesn’t support SF12, there are errors with SF12 and we should have an elegant solution to handle that case? You’d have more info on the error and a possible solution than I do :slight_smile:

Thanks mate!

Edit: Reviewed, Approved and Merged

Thanks, @mc-hamster!

Issue #926.

Not sure that we have to prioritize it, as I don’t know any devices except the test one from @Der_Bear

Agreed. No need to prioritize it but we don’t want to forget about it either.


Hello fellow developers.
Now my friends and I are doing DIY V1.1
Tell me where in the code there is an instruction to change the battery icon on the OLED-screen to the real Voltage (Taking into account the voltage divider and the ADC_MULTIPLIER pointer).

Issue resolved. Thanks to Vladislav : @Vladislav

// Draw power bars or a charging indicator on an image of a battery, determined by battery charge voltage or percentage.

static void drawBattery(OLEDDisplay *display, int16_t x, int16_t y, uint8_t *imgBuffer, const PowerStatus *powerStatus)


char batStr[20];

if (powerStatus->getHasBattery())


    int batV = powerStatus->getBatteryVoltageMv() / 1000;

    int batCv = (powerStatus->getBatteryVoltageMv() % 1000) / 10;

     snprintf(batStr, sizeof(batStr), "%01d.%02dV", batV, batCv);

    // Line 1

    display->drawString(x, y, batStr);

} else


    // Line 1

    display->drawString(x, y, String("USB"));

