Gps on Lilygo T3S3 not available?

Hi there,

i am trying to figure out how to make gps work on a T3S3. I have connected a Neo6m to Pin 12 and 34 at the Lilygo, and activated gps in the meshtastic android app. I can see that i have a gps fix (1blink a second on the gps board) but the T3S3 still sais it has no gps connected.

What else can i try here? is there some kind of boud rate to set for the gps?

Any help would be great!

Thanks a lot!!

Make sure you have connected the GPS module receive pin to the Lilygo transmit pin. The GPS module transmit pin needs to be connected to the Lilygo receive pin.

The other item is in the Lilygo configuration, under Radio/Position menu, you may also need to define the pins being used on the Lilygo for GPS receive and transmit. I converted a Lilygo T-Echo from SoftRF to Meshtastic firmware. I had to do this to get the GPS to properly work.