GPS - issues or?

I have a couple of questions. Recently I’ve updated my T-Beams (SX1262).
Transmission works great, in a city, 2 devices in buildings ca. 3 km apart. I can send/receive messages. It is great.
But I’ve noticed some issues.
I use default configuration, I set up own channel ‘Very long range (but slow)’. Firmware 1.2.39, app 1.2.31 (github)

  • If I relocate one device for instance to other city and then come back to the vicinity of the second device they start to “see” each other. They can communicate with each other but on the compass I see wrong position of the other device (difference is even e.g. 20 km)
  • Sometimes messages are received by the other device, but the icon of delivery (cloud) is crossed out.
  • how can I change time zone of the clock? Now I can see only UTC?

Can anybody answer?:slight_smile: