Cheapest node so far

Got shadow banned by github :frowning:
pushed it to gitlab:

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With the PCB USB Type-A assume in intended for specific thickness of PCB? from memory 2.2mm.

Is that what you used? Uploading the Gerber to JLCPCB, selects 1.6, but dont know if that intentional or just their default.

the thickness of he PCB would technically be changing the length of the lora antenna. Or is it not that accurately tuned? Long term I guess would be trying to tune it with a nano-vna or similar (dont have one yet!)

Banned for what? it’s not a detonator :smiley:

Any PCB antenna needs tuning for max effect,
cut the trace to the MCU, solder on coax to SMA cable, plug into VNA.
Would need LCL pi for tuning components, but that’s an advanced topic.

Looks good, do like the ability of being able to plug the board directly into a USB socket.

You may have PCB space between the WiFi PCB antenna and the 4 pin 0.1" I2C header for an I2C QWIIC connector.

Sparkfun do a large range of QWIIC boards and with that connector its easy to add GPSs, Sensors, displays etc.

I got shadow banned by Reddit.

Took me ages to spot it, I could post messages and could see them, but no-one else could.

I never received a notification of the ‘ban’ and when I raised it with Reddit support the autobot said the ban stood, but no reason was given.

Its designed for 1.6mm boards. I need to add that to the docu
The board is just roughly tuned. Dont know how consistent the pcbs will be.
To get the best antenna, an external should be used.

Thats a good idea for the next iteration

I only saw your design last night, but it looks really good, and definitely much better than anything I have come up with so far.

Just a quick note: the Gerber file in your downloads is actually just the Kicad files again. It wasn’t a problem - I could easily export them to check that they do indeed cost $3.20 lead-free from JLC - but others might struggle.

Anyway, I normally hang out on the Discord, but seeing this reminds me that I should come back here more often.

There’s a thread dedicated to DIY nodes on the Discord, and we’ve cooked up some interesting designs.

I’ve also designed something along the lines you’re suggesting, and I’ve managed to squeeze it into a small package…

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Just been trying the CN3163.

Been working on a node PCB for the HT-CT62.

Its designed for solar panel charging and it does that well enough.

Also accepts charge from a 5V input. Charge current can be set and you can if you want fit a thermistor to turn charge off when its too hot or cold. In an 8pin SOIC, seems ideal. Got 10 for about £3.50 from Ali.