Building for NRF52 boards

I am using the J-LINK to burn!

Got some good progress on U-BLOX NINA B302

i had to disable

//#define RF95_TCXO (5)
//#define RF95_TXEN (22) // If defined, this pin should be set high prior to transmit (controls an external analog switch)
//#define RF95_RXEN (23) // If defined, this pin should be set high prior to receive (controls an external analog switch)

Emitting reboot packet for serial shell
No I2C devices found
Meshtastic swver=unset, hwver=unset
Reset reason: 0x1
FIXME, call randomSeed
Hoping that NMEA might work
RadioConfig reset!
Initial packet id 1481765933, numPacketId 4294967295
No saved preferences found
NODENUM=0x9d9fbfb8, dbsize=1
Starting meshradio initā€¦
Set radio: name=Default, config=3, ch=6, power=0
Set radio: final power level=17
RF95 init result 0
sending owner !f0759d9fbfb8/Unknown bfb8/?B8
Update DB node 0x9d9fbfb8, rx_time=0
old user !f0759d9fbfb8/Unknown bfb8/?B8
updating changed=0 user !f0759d9fbfb8/Unknown bfb8/?B8
Adding packet record (id=0x5851f430 Fr0xb8 To0xff, WantAck0, HopLim3 Payload:User)
enqueuing for send (id=0x5851f430 Fr0xb8 To0xff, WantAck0, HopLim3 encrypted)
Starting low level send (id=0x5851f430 Fr0xb8 To0xff, WantAck0, HopLim3 encrypted)
Initialise the Bluefruit nRF52 module
Configuring the Device Information Service
Configuring the Battery Service
Configuring the Mesh bluetooth service
Setting up the advertising payload(s)
Completed sending (id=0x5851f430 Fr0xb8 To0xff, WantAck0, HopLim3 encrypted)

Are those data right ?

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that looks correct. I see you got the screen working later. cool!

now i have to mount the second NINA B302 + SX1276, when have time!
Congratulations for you!

How do you update the bin to NRF52840 ?

Sometimes I use the uf2 file from the script but while developing I mostly use jlink.

nice! Then i went to right way! :slight_smile:

btw - the platformio debugger through jlink is quite nice (and super fast).

Yeah, nice!

Wish meshtastic, can i track cars in City ? For example, of the Police ?

I am sorry if I am kind of hijacking this thread, but which git repo I should look at for the nRF52 development?

I found this by @geeksville:, but I donā€™t see any variant with nRF52832 in there? Or maybe I missed something in there?

Hi, the nrf52 development is within the meshtastic-device master branch I think

To get started, open the main.cpp and search for nrf52 #ifdefs.

The different firmware builds are handled by #ifdef preprocessor directives.

@drewsed Thank you for the pointer. I can see the closest environment to build for nRF52-DK is feather_nrf52832 for now. Let me try and see if it works on my nRF52-DK, but I need to enable LoRa as well since the note says that it is disabled by default.

I am gonna open a new thread for questions. Thanks again!

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Weeks ago @Corvus mailed me a new version of his cool board (actually he mailed it to the hotel i was going to be at). It just arrived and looks great! Iā€™ll work on adding support today!


hi @Corvus,

Ok - futzing on this now. One question before I try my load (to prevent smokeage Iā€™m double checking):

The schematic here doesnā€™t seem to match the silk screen labels. For instance the third button is labelled P1.06 on the silk screen but the schematic says that P1.06 is BUZZER. Should I used the 2.1 schematic?

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Great that it arrived and survived. The 2.1 schematic is the correct one
Isnā€™t this a 4? 1.04?

oh yes- I guess my eyes are bad :wink:

I did the basic setup, the LORA radio now works, CPU works, LEDs and buttons work. Not working yet: sd card slot, beeper, gps, display. Alas - Iā€™ve got to work on some other stuff for the next 2-3 days, but as soon as that is finished Iā€™ll finish up adding support for your cool board!

My WIP branch is here:


Cool! Havenā€™t had the time to assemble more boards (sent you the only one I had), but will try it out soon!
SD card and buzzer are for inspiration purposes. In case they might be useful in the future.

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This made me laugh.

@geeksville : Hey, take a look at my WIP branch!

ā€¦ also @geeksville : Donā€™t use me! These are not the droids you are looking for.

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@geeksville is going to look back on the last 2 weeks and wonder where all the time went. Good thing for portable hobbies to keep your mind working while stuck in a box :smiley:

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Iā€™m a new user here and really impressed by the community effort around the project!
Are there any nrf52 boards that could be used? Reading through this thread, I understand the Corvus board v2 the most recent development on the nrf52 side and is not yet officially supported?
If there are no boards available Iā€™m thinking to build a board myself. I want a low-power/small-size device, motivated by paragliding use case. The production device needs only to have a Lora/BLE/2 LED/1 button/USB port/ battery and optionally buzzer/solar panel (no GPS). The power consumption should be low enough so that the device needs to be recharged only after 20 hours of use (and never with solar in sunny day).
Since Iā€™m a noob in RF, I thought maybe ISP4520 module which combines SX1262 + nRF52832 + internal antenna could be used? The ISP4520 datasheet gives pretty impressive numbers (17km range with internal antenna), do these sound too good to be true in real life?
OTOH, I can reuse modules Corvis used in V2 board (SX1262_EBYTE and NRF52840_HolyIOT) and copy some of their board design/platformio configuration. The downside will be increased size and the need for external antenna (which may be need anyway, if ISP4520 numbers are too optimistic).
Iā€™ll appreciate any input on my options! Anything Iā€™m missing?


Welcome @vfurman!

I believe the internal antenna might work well in line-of-sight (LOS) environments, like paragliding. However, external antennas tend to perform better, as the devices antenna is usually more easily placed in ones gears.

How about building a board with both internal antenna, and a external antenna connector (SMA?)? This might need some kind of extra electronics? Moreover, I suggest to add two to five user buttons on the device for a more user friendly operation.

The battery life of a node is already more than two days, without charging. @geeksville is trying to achieve about a week, with only one charge, after some upcoming power optimizations in the device code. :slightly_smiling_face:

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