WARNING:root:Ignoring old position/user message

I am using a python script based on python api to send / receive messages between 2xttgo-LoRa32-oled v1 nodes of mine and all seems to work fine but now and then the WARNING:root:Ignoring old position/user message.comes up in the log and the received packet laks of ‘data’ field thereby ‘portnum’ is not there to tell what kind of message it is. Whenever the warning message is not there ‘portnum’ shows the message type being TEXT_MESSAGE_APP / POSITION_APP / NODEINFO_APP etc. when the warning is present that field doesn’t appear at all. The node firmware is rev. 1.1.42, python API rev, level is 1.1.46. What is the reason of that? Is it correct to receive packets whitout any ‘portnum’ specified?

not specifying portnum is fine (it will just end up with PRIVATE_APP).

But I’m puzzled as to how you got that message, because I don’t think anyone on your net would still be sending the ‘old style’ positions. In your python code, what methods from MeshInterface are you using? (alternatively: can you post a link to the code and I can take a look)

Here is the link to the code:

oh I see (I think)!

This whole ‘else’ clause should not be needed I think: meshtastic_broadcast/broadcast_msg_pyq5.py at main · vinloren/meshtastic_broadcast · GitHub

Are you saying you are actually seeing nodes on your mesh that are sending packets like that? Can you double check that all of your nodes are running something newer than 1.1.20 (which the ‘old style’ position code was removed). Also if you have an android app running it will need to be newer than 1.1.20 as well.

I have just 2 nodes in the mesh both of them are of my own and they have been built with 1,1,32 from scratch then both updated to 1,1.33 then 1.1.42 eventually using the Android App to update. The Android App I am using is 1.1.44

I put the else clause because I noticed I was receiving packets without the ‘data’ field so I wanted to show them also. These packets were accompanied with the mentioned warning message.

ooh my memory was incorrect. I see what is going on:

Whenever the python API receives a ‘data’ packet from the mesh if the packet contains either nodeinfo it will leave the payload in data.payload. But it will also decode data.payload based on the protocol buffer expected to be in that field.

So the radio isn’t sending decoded.position. But the python code is generating that data for you (so you don’t need to understand how to parse protocolbufs) in decoded.position.

Here’s what “meshtastic --debug” shows if I look at the raw packets coming in from the device. The first line shows the raw packet as received from the radio, and then two lines later you can see how the python code has parsed that and supplemented it with decoded.position.

Does that help?

DEBUG:root:Received: {'packet': {'from': 681021528, 'to': 4294967295, 'decoded': {'data': {'portnum': 'POSITION_APP', 'payload': 'GJcBONLz5O4BQI7ItIcJTd5CKmA='}}, 'id': 746225874, 'rxSnr': 8.5, 'hopLimit': 3}}
DEBUG:root:Publishing topic meshtastic.receive.position
DEBUG:root:Received: {'from': 681021528, 'to': 4294967295, 'decoded': {'data': {'portnum': 'POSITION_APP', 'payload': b'\x18\x97\x018\xd2\xf3\xe4\xee\x01@\x8e\xc8\xb4\x87\tM\xdeB*`', 'position': {'altitude': 151, 'latitudeI': 250387689, 'longitudeI': 1215730183, 'time': 1613382366, 'latitude': 25.038768899999997, 'longitude': 121.5730183}}}, 'id': 746225874, 'rxSnr': 8.5, 'hopLimit': 3, 'fromId': '!246f28979058', 'toId': '^all'}

eventually after ran this again I understood that the issue might be generated by the BT connection to the App since if the App is disabled the log shows POSITION_APP messages correctly, if the App is on then the POSITION_APP is never triggered and I get the warnig. The App is installed on a honor lite phone equipped with Androud 9.1 and the App is 1.1.44 level

I ran meshtastic --debug and this was the result:

DEBUG:root:Connecting to COM5
DEBUG:root:Sending: want_config_id: 42

Trigger powerFSM 9
Trigger powerFSM 11
DEBUG:root:Received: {‘myInfo’: {‘myNodeNum’: 164411020, ‘numChannels’: 10, ‘region’: ‘1.0’, ‘hwModel’: ‘tlora-v1’, ‘firmwareVersion’: ‘1.1.42’, ‘packetIdBits’: 32, ‘currentPacketId’: 2054533026, ‘nodeNumBits’: 32, ‘messageTimeoutMsec’: 300000, ‘minAppVersion’: 20120}}
DEBUG:root:Received: {‘radio’: {‘preferences’: {‘positionBroadcastSecs’: 300, ‘sendOwnerInterval’: 12, ‘lsSecs’: 300, ‘wifiSsid’: ‘TIM-30772510’, ‘wifiPassword’: ‘Vin41s65!’, ‘region’: ‘EU865’, ‘locationShare’: ‘LocEnabled’, ‘gpsUpdateInterval’: 300, ‘fixedPosition’: True}, ‘channelSettings’: {‘modemConfig’: ‘Bw125Cr48Sf4096’, ‘psk’: ‘AQ==’}}}
DEBUG:root:Received: {‘nodeInfo’: {‘num’: 164411020, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!b8f009ccb68c’, ‘longName’: ‘vinloren1’, ‘shortName’: ‘vnl’, ‘macaddr’: ‘uPAJzLaM’}, ‘position’: {}}}
DEBUG:root:Received: {‘nodeInfo’: {‘num’: 164409200, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!b8f009ccaf70’, ‘longName’: ‘vinloren2’, ‘shortName’: ‘vnl’, ‘macaddr’: ‘uPAJzK9w’}, ‘position’: {‘altitude’: 279, ‘latitudeI’: 456412262, ‘longitudeI’: 91148456}, ‘snr’: 10.25}}
DEBUG:root:Received: {‘configCompleteId’: 42}
Connected to radio
Trigger powerFSM 3
DEBUG:root:Received: {‘packet’: {‘from’: 164411020, ‘to’: 4294967295, ‘decoded’: {‘data’: {‘portnum’: ‘NODEINFO_APP’, ‘payload’: ‘Cg0hYjhmMDA5Y2NiNjhjEgl2aW5sb3JlbjEaA3ZubCIGuPAJzLaM’}, ‘wantResponse’: True}, ‘id’: 407360816, ‘hopLimit’: 3}}
DEBUG:root:Publishing topic meshtastic.receive.user
DEBUG:root:Received: {‘from’: 164411020, ‘to’: 4294967295, ‘decoded’: {‘data’: {‘portnum’: ‘NODEINFO_APP’, ‘payload’: b’\n\r!b8f009ccb68c\x12\tvinloren1\x1a\x03vnl"\x06\xb8\xf0\t\xcc\xb6\x8c’, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!b8f009ccb68c’, ‘longName’: ‘vinloren1’, ‘shortName’: ‘vnl’, ‘macaddr’: ‘uPAJzLaM’}}, ‘wantResponse’: True}, ‘id’: 407360816, ‘hopLimit’: 3, ‘fromId’: ‘!b8f009ccb68c’, ‘toId’: ‘^all’}
Trigger powerFSM 3
Trigger powerFSM 3
DEBUG:root:Received: {‘packet’: {‘from’: 164411020, ‘to’: 164411020, ‘decoded’: {‘data’: {‘portnum’: ‘NODEINFO_APP’, ‘payload’: ‘Cg0hYjhmMDA5Y2NiNjhjEgl2aW5sb3JlbjEaA3ZubCIGuPAJzLaM’}}, ‘id’: 407360817, ‘hopLimit’: 3}}
DEBUG:root:Publishing topic meshtastic.receive.user
DEBUG:root:Received: {‘from’: 164411020, ‘to’: 164411020, ‘decoded’: {‘data’: {‘portnum’: ‘NODEINFO_APP’, ‘payload’: b’\n\r!b8f009ccb68c\x12\tvinloren1\x1a\x03vnl"\x06\xb8\xf0\t\xcc\xb6\x8c’, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!b8f009ccb68c’, ‘longName’: ‘vinloren1’, ‘shortName’: ‘vnl’, ‘macaddr’: ‘uPAJzLaM’}}}, ‘id’: 407360817, ‘hopLimit’: 3, ‘fromId’: ‘!b8f009ccb68c’, ‘toId’: ‘!b8f009ccb68c’}
DEBUG:root:Received: {‘packet’: {‘from’: 164411020, ‘to’: 164411020, ‘decoded’: {‘data’: {‘portnum’: ‘NODEINFO_APP’, ‘payload’: ‘Cg0hYjhmMDA5Y2NiNjhjEgl2aW5sb3JlbjEaA3ZubCIGuPAJzLaM’}}, ‘id’: 407360818, ‘hopLimit’: 3}}
DEBUG:root:Publishing topic meshtastic.receive.user
DEBUG:root:Received: {‘from’: 164411020, ‘to’: 164411020, ‘decoded’: {‘data’: {‘portnum’: ‘NODEINFO_APP’, ‘payload’: b’\n\r!b8f009ccb68c\x12\tvinloren1\x1a\x03vnl"\x06\xb8\xf0\t\xcc\xb6\x8c’, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!b8f009ccb68c’, ‘longName’: ‘vinloren1’, ‘shortName’: ‘vnl’, ‘macaddr’: ‘uPAJzLaM’}}}, ‘id’: 407360818, ‘hopLimit’: 3, ‘fromId’: ‘!b8f009ccb68c’, ‘toId’: ‘!b8f009ccb68c’}
Trigger powerFSM 3
DEBUG:root:Received: {‘packet’: {‘from’: 164409200, ‘to’: 4294967295, ‘decoded’: {‘data’: {‘portnum’: ‘NODEINFO_APP’, ‘payload’: ‘Cg0hYjhmMDA5Y2NhZjcwEgl2aW5sb3JlbjIaA3ZubCIGuPAJzK9w’}, ‘wantResponse’: True}, ‘id’: 180723242, ‘rxSnr’: 11.25, ‘hopLimit’: 2}}
DEBUG:root:Publishing topic meshtastic.receive.user
DEBUG:root:Received: {‘from’: 164409200, ‘to’: 4294967295, ‘decoded’: {‘data’: {‘portnum’: ‘NODEINFO_APP’, ‘payload’: b’\n\r!b8f009ccaf70\x12\tvinloren2\x1a\x03vnl"\x06\xb8\xf0\t\xcc\xafp’, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!b8f009ccaf70’, ‘longName’: ‘vinloren2’, ‘shortName’: ‘vnl’, ‘macaddr’: ‘uPAJzK9w’}}, ‘wantResponse’: True}, ‘id’: 180723242, ‘rxSnr’: 11.25, ‘hopLimit’: 2, ‘fromId’: ‘!b8f009ccaf70’, ‘toId’: ‘^all’}
Trigger powerFSM 9
Trigger powerFSM 9
Trigger powerFSM 3
DEBUG:root:Received: {‘packet’: {‘from’: 164411020, ‘to’: 4294967295, ‘decoded’: {‘position’: {‘altitude’: 279, ‘latitudeI’: 456412451, ‘longitudeI’: 91149764}, ‘wantResponse’: True}, ‘id’: 407360820}}
WARNING:root:Ignoring old position/user message. Recommend you update firmware to 1.1.20 or later
DEBUG:root:Publishing topic meshtastic.receive
DEBUG:root:Received: {‘from’: 164411020, ‘to’: 4294967295, ‘decoded’: {‘position’: {‘altitude’: 279, ‘latitudeI’: 456412451, ‘longitudeI’: 91149764}, ‘wantResponse’: True}, ‘id’: 407360820, ‘fromId’: ‘!b8f009ccb68c’, ‘toId’: ‘^all’}

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super interesting! just to confirm: you don’t have any (old?) android app connected to any node in the mesh when you received this message? Also you aren’t using the Web UI for doing anything? (I’m trying to find code that could have sent that packet)

I updated the post with new note regarding the Android App. Yes I can confirm there are no other nodes in the mesh and I am not using the web UI even though it is configured in both nodes (they are now at two meters distance each other) both connected to the WiFi but no browser is open on the embedded servers. Android is 9.1 and the App is 1.1.44

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ok thanks! I suspect I know the problem (the wantReplies=true) from your log was a good clue. Would you mind going to the settings screen in the android app and select “none” for the radio? Then redo your helpful --debug log capture? If my theory is correct the bad packet won’t be there anymore.

And I’ll then find/fix why the android tried to use old style positions:

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here is a new log where I enabled the App and got the warning then I just disabled the App and from that moment on the POSITION_APP message came out correctly:

DEBUG:root:Received: {‘packet’: {‘from’: 164409200, ‘to’: 4294967295, ‘decoded’: {‘position’: {‘altitude’: 278, ‘latitudeI’: 456411901, ‘longitudeI’: 91148866}, ‘wantResponse’: True}, ‘id’: 518461607, ‘rxSnr’: 10.75}}
WARNING:root:Ignoring old position/user message. Recommend you update firmware to 1.1.20 or later
DEBUG:root:Publishing topic meshtastic.receive
DEBUG:root:Received: {‘from’: 164409200, ‘to’: 4294967295, ‘decoded’: {‘position’: {‘altitude’: 278, ‘latitudeI’: 456411901, ‘longitudeI’: 91148866}, ‘wantResponse’: True}, ‘id’: 518461607, ‘rxSnr’: 10.75, ‘fromId’: ‘!b8f009ccaf70’, ‘toId’: ‘^all’}
Trigger powerFSM 3
DEBUG:root:Received: {‘packet’: {‘from’: 164409200, ‘to’: 164411020, ‘decoded’: {‘data’: {‘portnum’: ‘POSITION_APP’, ‘payload’: ‘GJYCOPqrorMDQITJ9lY=’}, ‘wantResponse’: True}, ‘id’: 518461608, ‘rxSnr’: 12.0, ‘hopLimit’: 3}}
DEBUG:root:Publishing topic meshtastic.receive.position
DEBUG:root:Received: {‘from’: 164409200, ‘to’: 164411020, ‘decoded’: {‘data’: {‘portnum’: ‘POSITION_APP’, ‘payload’: b’\x18\x96\x028\xfa\xab\xa2\xb3\x03@\x84\xc9\xf6V’, ‘position’: {‘altitude’: 278, ‘latitudeI’: 456411901, ‘longitudeI’: 91148866, ‘latitude’: 45.641190099999996, ‘longitude’: 9.1148866}}, ‘wantResponse’: True}, ‘id’: 518461608, ‘rxSnr’: 12.0, ‘hopLimit’: 3, ‘fromId’: ‘!b8f009ccaf70’, ‘toId’: ‘!b8f009ccb68c’}
Trigger powerFSM 3
DEBUG:root:Received: {‘packet’: {‘from’: 164409200, ‘to’: 164411020, ‘decoded’: {‘data’: {‘portnum’: ‘POSITION_APP’, ‘payload’: ‘GJYCOPqrorMDQITJ9lY=’}, ‘wantResponse’: True}, ‘id’: 518461609, ‘rxSnr’: 8.5, ‘hopLimit’: 3}}
DEBUG:root:Publishing topic meshtastic.receive.position
DEBUG:root:Received: {‘from’: 164409200, ‘to’: 164411020, ‘decoded’: {‘data’: {‘portnum’: ‘POSITION_APP’, ‘payload’: b’\x18\x96\x028\xfa\xab\xa2\xb3\x03@\x84\xc9\xf6V’, ‘position’: {‘altitude’: 278, ‘latitudeI’: 456411901, ‘longitudeI’: 91148866, ‘latitude’: 45.641190099999996, ‘longitude’: 9.1148866}}, ‘wantResponse’: True}, ‘id’: 518461609, ‘rxSnr’: 8.5, ‘hopLimit’: 3, ‘fromId’: ‘!b8f009ccaf70’, ‘toId’: ‘!b8f009ccb68c’}
DEBUG:root:Received: {‘packet’: {‘from’: 164409200, ‘to’: 164411020, ‘decoded’: {‘data’: {‘portnum’: ‘POSITION_APP’, ‘payload’: ‘GJYCOPqrorMDQITJ9lY=’}}, ‘id’: 518461610, ‘rxSnr’: 11.25, ‘hopLimit’: 3}}
DEBUG:root:Publishing topic meshtastic.receive.position
DEBUG:root:Received: {‘from’: 164409200, ‘to’: 164411020, ‘decoded’: {‘data’: {‘portnum’: ‘POSITION_APP’, ‘payload’: b’\x18\x96\x028\xfa\xab\xa2\xb3\x03@\x84\xc9\xf6V’, ‘position’: {‘altitude’: 278, ‘latitudeI’: 456411901, ‘longitudeI’: 91148866, ‘latitude’: 45.641190099999996, ‘longitude’: 9.1148866}}}, ‘id’: 518461610, ‘rxSnr’: 11.25, ‘hopLimit’: 3, ‘fromId’: ‘!b8f009ccaf70’, ‘toId’: ‘!b8f009ccb68c’}

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