TTGO Lora32 v1 won't turn off BT and OLED

Read the forums and saw that I needed to use the Python API interface to set the board to router mode to active the low power consumption mode to include turning off bluetooth and the OLED. Using the meshtastic --set-router command in the API, everything went OK from what I could tell. Unfortunately, upon restart of the board, the display is still lit and the bluetooth still blinks at me. I did a --info query and this is what I have:

Connected to radio
my_node_num: 164404648
num_channels: 13
region: “1.0-US”
hw_model: “tlora-v1”
firmware_version: “1.1.32”
packet_id_bits: 32
current_packet_id: 365725948
node_num_bits: 32
message_timeout_msec: 300000
min_app_version: 20120

preferences {
wait_bluetooth_secs: 1
screen_on_secs: 60
phone_sds_timeout_sec: 4294967295
mesh_sds_timeout_secs: 4294967295
ls_secs: 86400
min_wake_secs: 10
region: US
gps_operation: GpsOpMobile
gps_update_interval: 86400
gps_attempt_time: 300
is_router: true
is_low_power: true

Am I doing something wrong or is this a known issue?


I have even cleared the router mode to just try to set parameters with screen on secs by itself. The info said that the command took…but still no joy. The OLED still on. Has anyone successfully muted the OLED on the LORA32 v1 boards? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I believe this may have to do something with this:

I cannot turn off Software AP running 1.1.32 on LoRa32 V2 1.6 board. Looks like solution is to use earlier version of firmware or wait for next rev. Or edit and compile your own, I have not figured out PlatformIO to do that yet.

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It might have something to do with these particular boards always showing up as powered, even when disconnected and running off battery. Mine would never go into the light sleep cycle unless I rebuilt the firmware with line #187 in PowerFSM.cpp changed to not do the ternary in the state transition for hasPower:

I could be misunderstanding how the FSM for power / sleep stuff is supposed to work though.

If possible it would be swell to have the sleep mode work on even powered nodes for my case, because I want to deploy really energy lean solar repeater nodes. Maybe this could be a pref setting in the future.

To turn off soft AP, set the ssid or password to a blank string “”. This was missed in the documentation and they were updated last week. :slight_smile:

This sounds like a defect? Could you file it?