TinyGS integration

It is easier, but you can go mountain peak to mountain peak too.

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Let’s build a satelite! :artificial_satellite: How we do it? lol

Luandro, maybe we should start with a small but very important step? I suggest you start by getting an amateur radio license. It is not very difficult, but it gives a wide field of possibilities in the future. :smirk:

Nothing against amateur radio operators, the very opposite, lots of respect and admiration. But the whole “need a license to join our club” thing isn’t very attractive to me, as the communities I work with won’t have that opportunity.

I don’t work with communication systems for my own personal use, but for the use of communities that are really in need of it.

I’d like to build a sattelite that communities without any license can make use of. Has anyone done any research that could give some tips?

The license vs not usually has to do with transmit power. A very directional antenna could allow you to establish a link with a low power satalite. But this has issues as your antenna has to track the satalite.

I’m not sure if you need to run meshtastic on the actual satalite. I seem to remember the first satalite basically just rebroadcast what it received in CH1 on CH2.

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Something like a passive repeater? A satellite is only a passive repeater?

Likewise a simple lora repeater would be the cheapest and simplest :sweat_smile:

I was just thinking of a meshtastic satellite repeater that would report its position, temperature and other information :sweat_smile:

Just now is passing over the amazon the SDSAT satellite then NORBI will pass, both can be followed in the app I left in a previous post :sweat_smile:

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Your wish is ambitious and commendable! But it seems to me that you cannot imagine the scale of work and financial costs for launching your microsatellite. :smirk: (Are you by any chance Elon Musk?) Perhaps you have connections in special scientific institutes where cubsats are developed? Or do you have good contacts in NASA/RussianCosmos/CNSA-China? And, the main question - do you have unlimited funding? Also, if we return to the issue of an amateur radio license, then absolutely all microcubsats are precisely radio amateur satellites and they were launched under the auspices of the radio amateur community. For example, such as amsat.org This is why an amateur radio license is very useful for entering these communities. The next question - for a microsatellite, you need to write software for relaying the Meshtastic protocol, you need to make special hardware. Are you thinking of launching cheap Chinese Heltecs or TTGO into space? :joy:
All these questions run into the money and labor-hours of programmers and radio designers… :thinking:

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There are already commercial lora SATs in space.

“Inexpensive!” as much as 120 bucks for a developer fee. And this is probably without taxes and without external strapping. :crazy_face:
Although, for business, and not for radio amateurs …

That’s exactly what I’d like to know. From the developments going on with FoSS-sat andTinyGS I got the idea that we’re at a point where making and launching a cubesat was becoming realistic without being part of any space agency. From your words it seems I might have understood it wrong.

I don’t have unlimited funding, but have quite a large network of funders who would be interetested in such a project. And a networks of tinker’s who might be interested in hacking something out. But I first need to know what the steps would be.

According to FOSSASAT, if you can buy a car, you should be able to get a satellite in space.

It does sound like anyone can use this device too.


FYI: these are offline, and reportedly not coming back.

Been reading around this lately found a few things you might be interested in:
Paper on lora coms from space

This is a neat project. You will need a ground terminal the tracks the satellite as the orbit is around 800kms estimated cost per terminal is $300 usd.