Quick start Guide

Is there a quick start guide on the android app? Wanted go know how to send directed messages.
Also, is the option to change channels turned on in the app? When I hit the unlock no options yet.

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This is still in early development. Therefore, there aren’t that many guides written. One can contribute according to https://github.com/meshtastic/Meshtastic-device/issues/88

Moreover, all options in Android app has not been coded or applied yet.

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yes. Alas there is no UI yet for sending directed messages (though it is implemented in the device and everywhere else in the android app).

There are no channel options yet other than the name of the channel. If you change the name of the channel, the shareable QR code/URL will change and the radio will be transmitting on a different frequency (and when encryption is turned back on it will be crypted with a different key - also in that QR code). That QR code/URL fully describes the channel if you want to share it with another user. If meshtastic is asked to open it, it will ask “do you want to change your radio to this channel?”