Newbie: Do i have to use 18650? v1.1

I was thinking of slimming it down since 18650 is a bit on the bulkier side.

Rectangular Battery:

Will it be a simple desolder and soldering connector job?

The TTGO LoRa32 and Heltec boards already have a battery connector soldered. The Heltec boards are shipped with the female counterpart, can’t talk for the other boards.

But writing about 18650, you probably have one of the t-beams, they do not have such a connector.

You could try soldering some single pin connectors or glue the connector to the board and solder just one pin. Then take a wire, to bridge over the distance to the second battery pad.

Another better solution is a custom PCB mounted piggiback instead of the battery holder.

If you have a good soldering iron, with 75 to 150 watts, it is easy to desolder the battery holder.
With a small iron you can try the biggest (mass) solder tip you have and put lots of solder on it, to encrease the thermal mass. Once heated to max temperature you should be able to quickly remove it.


you can use any 4.2v lithium battery respecting the + -

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Yep TBeam, and thanks. Sounds like a simple job.