Here is a newb MQTT tutorial for 1.3

This has worked perfectly but as I was building my system I have run into a problem with sending text messages over mqtt using JSON - the bug is described here. The feedback from the developers is that JSON is problematic, at least in some instances. Therefore I am trying to send a message using protobuf instead. As the message is picked up from a telegram receive node, it is not in the proper format for the protobuf encode node (as far as I understand). I have looked at the protobuf documentation but am struggling to convert the output of the telegram receive node into a format that the protobuf encode node will accept. I have posted on the discord server for some guidance with no luck. If @gparduino or anyone with else with knowledge of the proper format to feed into the protobuf encode node could point me in the right direction please? I can see the example made for the Position app in the November 2022 entry above but couldn’t find one for the message app. The info I want to encode and send to the msh/weather/c channel are the “first_name” and “text” fields

The format from the Telegram receive node is:

{“chatId”:-123456789,“type”:“message”,“content”:{“message_id”:1234,“from”:{“id”:1234567844,“is_bot”:true,“first_name”:“weather”,“username”:“weather”},“chat”:{“id”:-123456789,“title”:“weather”,“type”:“group”,“all_members_are_administrators”:true},“date”:1686055705,“text”:“2023-06-06T12:00:00Z: weather 1h: lightrain; Temp 1h: 6.4°C ; Rain 1h: 0.2mm ; wind 1h: W ; Strength: 6.5m/s , up to 10.8m/s ; Fog: 0% Lightening: 0.4%”},“options”:{“chat_id”:-123456789,“text”:“2023-06-06T12:00:00Z: weather 1h: lightrain; Temp 1h: 6.4°C ; Rain 1h: 0.2mm ; wind 1h: V ; Strength: 6.5m/s , up to 10.8m/s ; Fog: 0% Lightening: 0.4%”},“sentMessageId”:1234}

any help greatly appreciated!

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